Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I've been pushing myself to be more of a leader in my day-to-day career life, which has put me up against some questions that have tough answers (for me anyway). One is that it seems to me that leaders always have the answer, and the problem is that feel like I usually don't. This would be fine except that I'm in a position where I get asked a lot of questions.

Questions from clients or contractors that I don't know the answer to make me feel pretty bad and like I'm wasting peoples time and money. Its not the same with coworkers and I'm developing techniques for handling these "no answer" situations. Basically I tell them "I don't know" and then tell them why.

I'm finding that often this exchange leads to a better understanding of the question/problem/issue and sometimes we even come up with an answer.

I not yet be the leader that my bosses want me to be, but I'm becoming a better collaborator, and that's a step in the right direction.

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